Sunday, November 20, 2011

Breaking News about Kennedy - no kidding

On John Simkin's Education Forum, we have had the rug pulled out from us -- in a good way.  In the short video below, you will see the real man who was in the 6th Floor Window.  He's Tan Jacket Man.  Duncan MacRae has blown up a section of the Hughes film that shows the Texas School Book Depository upper windows.  The man's face and hair is unmistakable, as he is seen in a gif afterward and it's the same man. 


The Parking Lot photo also from Hughes is now working.  You must click on the picture to see the gif of the man who shot out the 6th floor window of the TSBD.  He is identical to the man we see in the 6th floor window.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kennedy error: Not a man behind the wall in Bell Film


The Kennedy Assassination.  Around #49 of the Bell film you can see on the left a man trying to stand from behind the retaining wall.  He looks to be wearing a white t-shirt and his head appears bald.  His right shoulder is lifted first.  I was mistaken.  There's a parking lot right behind the grassy knoll.  It is someone's white car that I was seeing.

Monday, October 31, 2011

President Kennedy - the unseen turn onto Elm

Someone destroyed every film taken of Kennedy's limo turn onto Elm St. But this one may tell why. It's of Kennedy receiving the first shot, which possibly may have singed him. Why else does the Zapruder film have footage of the motorcycle cops but is spliced when Kennedy makes the turn onto Elm St.?. Someone said Zapruder turned off his camera and then turned it back on when Kennedy was already on Elm. Watch the way he pulls back his hand and how his fingers fold unnaturally..

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weird Weather

Yesterday, on October 30, 2011 New Jersey received 10 inches of snow. We have never experienced anything like this. A blizzard before Halloween? My feelings are that HAARP is behind it. I don't live in NJ anymore. I live on the Gulf Coast. Large sea turtles and dolphins have been washing up on sections of the shore. This is because of BP's s---load of oil is in the water. I did not go to the beach this year. Our gulf is ruined.

Close up of Kennedy Assassin from 6th floor

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Bishop Indicted; Charge Is Failing to Report Abuse

KANSAS CITY, Mo. — A bishop in the Roman Catholic Church has been indicted for failure to report suspected child abuse, the first time in the 25-year history of the church’s sex abuse scandals that the leader of an American diocese has been held criminally liable for the behavior of a priest he supervised.
Archdiocese of Kansas City and St. Joseph, via Associated Press
The Roman Catholic bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Robert Finn.
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The indictment of the bishop, Robert W. Finn, and the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph by a county grand jury was announced on Friday. Each was charged with one misdemeanor count involving a priest accused of taking pornographic photographs of girls as recently as this year. They pleaded not guilty.
The case caused an uproar among Catholics in Kansas City this year when Bishop Finn acknowledged that he knew of the photographs last December but did not turn them over to the police until May. During that time, the priest, the Rev. Shawn Ratigan, is said to have continued to attend church events with children, and took lewd photographs of another young girl.

A decade ago the American bishops pledged to report suspected abusers to law enforcement authorities — a policy also recommended last year by the Vatican. Bishop Finn himself had made such a promise three years ago as part of a $10 million legal settlement with abuse victims in Kansas City.
Though the charge is only a misdemeanor, victims’ advocates immediately hailed the indictment as a breakthrough, saying that until now American bishops have avoided prosecution despite documents showing that in some cases they were aware of abuse.

“This is huge for us,” said Michael Hunter, director of the Kansas City chapter of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests, and a victim of sexual abuse by a priest. “It’s something that I personally have been waiting for years to see, some real accountability. We’re very pleased with the prosecuting attorney here to have the guts to do it.” The bishop signaled he would fight the charges with all his strength. He said in a statement: “We will meet these announcements with a steady resolve and a vigorous defense.”
The indictment announced on Friday by the Jackson County prosecutor, Jean Peters Baker, had been under seal since Oct. 6 because the bishop was out of the country. He returned on Thursday night.
In a news conference, Ms. Baker said the case was not religiously motivated, but was about the obligation under state law to report child abuse.

“This is about protecting children,” she said.

If convicted Bishop Finn would face a possible fine of up to $1,000 and a jail sentence of up to a year. The diocese faces a possible fine of up to $5,000.

Ms. Baker said that secrecy rules for grand jury proceedings prohibited her from discussing whether other charges were considered, such as child endangerment, a felony. But she said the fact that the bishop faces a single misdemeanor count should not diminish the seriousness.

“To my knowledge a charge like this has not been leveled before,” she said.

It also may not mark the end of the legal troubles facing the diocese in the case, which includes civil and criminal cases in federal court. Last month Bishop Finn and Msgr. Robert Murphy testified before another grand jury in neighboring Clay County. A spokesman for the prosecutor’s office there declined to comment.

The priest accused of taking the lewd photos, Father Ratigan, was a frequent presence in a Catholic elementary school next to his parish. The principal there sent a letter to the diocese in May 2010 complaining about Father Ratigan’s behavior with children. Then, last December, a computer technician discovered the photos on the priest’s laptop and turned the computer in to the diocese. A day later Father Ratigan tried to kill himself. The diocese said that Monsignor Murphy described — but did not share — a single photo of a young girl, nude from the waist down, to a police officer who served on an independent sexual abuse review board for the diocese. The officer said that based on the description it might meet the definition of child pornography, but he did not think it would, the diocese said.

Bishop Finn sent Father Ratigan to live in a convent and told him to avoid contact with minors. But until May the priest attended children’s parties, spent weekends in the homes of parish families, hosted an Easter egg hunt and presided, with the bishop’s permission, at a girl’s First Communion, according to interviews with parishioners and a civil lawsuit filed by a victim’s family.

Parents in the school and parishioners — told only that Father Ratigan had fallen sick from carbon monoxide poisoning — were stunned when he was arrested in May after the diocese called the police. He was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of taking indecent photographs of young girls.

The new indictment released on Friday said that Bishop Finn and the diocese had reason to suspect that Father Ratigan might subject a child to abuse.

It cited “previous knowledge of concerns regarding Father Ratigan and children; the discovery of hundreds of photographs of children on Father Ratigan’s laptop, including a child’s naked vagina, upskirt images and images focused on the crotch; and violations of restrictions placed on Father Ratigan.”
Bishop Finn said in his statement on Friday that he and the diocese had given “complete cooperation” to law enforcement. He also pointed to steps he had taken since the scandal first became public, including commissioning a report to look into the case, and reinforcing procedures for handling allegations of abuse.

That report found that the diocese did not follow its own procedures. It also found that Bishop Finn was “too willing to trust” Father Ratigan.

The case has generated fury at the bishop, a staunch theological conservative who was already a polarizing figure in his diocese. Since the Ratigan case came to light, there have been widespread calls for him to resign.

Contributing to the sense of betrayal is the fact that only three years ago, Bishop Finn settled lawsuits with 47 plaintiffs in sexual abuse cases for $10 million and agreed to a list of 19 preventive measures, among them to immediately report anyone suspected of being a pedophile to the law enforcement authorities.

France may be the only country where a bishop has been convicted for his failure to supervise a priest accused of abuse, said Terrence McKiernan, president of, a victims’ advocacy group that tracks abuse cases.

A grand jury in Philadelphia indicted a top official in the archdiocese there, Msgr. William Lynn, for mishandling cases of abuse. The former archbishop, Cardinal Anthony Bevilacqua, was not indicted, but he has been called to testify.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

This shows a rare speech given by John Kennedy after Dag Hammarskjold, UN Secretary General, died in a suspicious plane crash in Africa.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Ends with Hope? I see a New World Order

This is by Lenny Bloom and Mrs. Steele; The "once in 500 year" flooding of the Mississippi river over the New Madrid fault line is part of a campaign directed against the American people, according to multiple intelligence agency (MI6, CIA, FSB, Japan Security police) sources. The HAARP caused flooding is expected to be followed by an earthquake and then a "nuclear emergency" involving the 15 nuclear reactors located in the region. This will be a pretext for mass evacuations into FEMA camps, the sources say. The best way to derail this plan, apart from arresting the criminal cabal in Washington D.C., is to widely announce and denounce these plans in advance. The people planning this attack are the same ones who orchestrated the recent earthquake, tsunami and nuclear disaster attack on Japan, the sources said. The attack on Japan involved long term planning. A suitcase nuclear device was brought in by sea to a remote island in the Okinawan archipelago before being brought to Kyushu by a fishing boat, according to a whistleblower within the group that smuggled in the weapon. The weapon was then taken by car to a property in Hinode, Tokyo owned by former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone. From there it was taken to the Chosen Soren (North Korean) headquarters in Tokyo before being transferred to the deep ocean drilling ship the Chikyumaru, according to the whistleblower. The bomb was then placed in a hole drilled 10 kilometers into the seabed off the coast of Japan where it was exploded, thus triggering the earthquake and tsunami. The subsequent "nuclear accident" was sabotage intended to provide a cover story for the radiation released by the bomb. The investigative trail goes from there to George Bush Senior and his mafia gang as well as US Senator J. Rockefeller. If the American people wish to prevent a greater tragedy than the one that hit Japan, they must arrest these and other Washington D.C. criminals. In other news, we have been given new information about the Vatican. First of all, the new "Black Pope" or head of the Society of Jesus is father Adolfo Nicolas. Father Nicolas was a professor when I studied at Sophia University in Tokyo. Although I never took any of his courses, he has a reputation for being a nice man and a genuine Christian. Trusted sources also say that both Father Nicolas (who is currently ill) and his predecessor Peter Hans Kolvenbach are extremely intelligent and widely read people. The sources say Nicolas and Kolvenbach are both very concerned, among other things, about the pharmaceutical industry's use of toxic vaccines and dissemination of various poisons and diseases. These sources are now saying Kolvenbach was misquoted by our previous source and that Kolvenbach never said he was the chief Satanist but only asked rhetorically: "are you afraid of Satan." We have not talked directly to Count Kolvenbach or father Nicolas so all we can do is quote contradictory information from sources who are in regular contact with these individuals and let readers decide for themselves. What is clear though, is that there is considerable confusion and disorder within the highest ranks of power in the West. The signs of extreme tension and high-level financial warfare are everywhere to be seen. The "killing" of Bin Laden and the threat of high level retaliation by Al CIAda is one example. This "death" was preceded by Wikileaks tales of planned nuclear terrorism by Al CIAda. In other words, the old world order no longer cares if their fake stories are seen through by the rest of the world and are now openly threatening nuclear black-mail. Italy is also in a panic over rumors they will be hit by an earthquake or nuclear device on May 11th. The group earlier threatening the Vatican with a suitcase nuclear bomb, for its part, says there will be no attack on the Vatican on May 11th. A different group calling itself the Dark Brotherhood is also using the nuclear blackmail card and are threatening to "destroy the world" if a new financial system is not announced by June 1st. The big threat, still hanging over us all, is of course World War 3 and nuclear holocaust. On the financial side there are also many strange goings on. The battle between the fiat money printers and the supporters of an asset backed new financial system burst out into the open with a rash of fiat short-selling of commodities futures timed to coincide with hikes in margin requirements. The fall in commodities prices and subsequent rebound bought the fiat people some, but not much time. Then there was the attack on Sony's online consumer credit card database by the same "anonymous" group that attacked former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak's internet infrastructure. This was a money grab also originating most likely with the fiat folk. The Toyota Motor Corporation is also under intense attack. It started with a rash of regulatory torment against Toyota in the US. Then the tsunami shut down a crucial Toyota and Chinese parts operation. Now the Japanese government under Naoto Kan (pronounced "can not" in Japanese) is ordering that the electricity supply to their factories in their Nagoya operating hub be shut down. The reason for these attacks against Toyota is simple extortion. Years ago Toyota was given large sums of money by the Federal Reserve Board crime syndicate and their Japanese flunkies for the purpose of building industrial infrastructure. Toyota took a bunch of that money and set up a series of banks. The Feds, desperate to keep their fraudulent operations going a bit longer, are trying to force Toyota to cough up that money, according to Japanese security police sources. Toyota is saying no. Despite all the chaos, fear and blustering going on, people must realize that such tactics are part and parcel of high-stakes negotiations. Because of the sensitive nature of these negotiations there is much we are being asked not to write at this time. However, based on this information, we believe the end result will be world peace. The people in the Vatican seem to really think the world is going to end but that is just not true, the world is about to be reborn. World peace, an end to poverty, an end to environmental destruction and the release of new technologies will follow shortly after the announcement of a new financial system. A long predicted golden age is about to begin. 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Friday, September 16, 2011

Benedict to be last Pope

I cannot believe what these bastards have done. And it's gone on for centuries. This is evil incarnate. The Irish St. Malachi predicted that Pope Benedict would be the last Pope. This site has a new "improvement." It doesn't like to do what it used to do. All the articles below are separated by a space, but it doesn't publish that well. I just want readers s to see the extent of this evil. I hope they excorcise themselves right out of existence. Pope sued for crimes against humanity Herald Sun - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ AN international group representing victims of sexual abuse by priests says it will sue Pope Benedict through the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity. The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests said on Wednesday it had filed ... Clergy Abuse Victims Place Hope In Court Filing KSAT San Antonio - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ "We want all whistle blowers, we want all sex abuse victims to come forward. This is their chance now to come out," Barbara Garcia Boehland said. Boehland said her son's abuse led him to suicide, and there are too many others going through the same ... Abuse victims seek int'l court case against pope eTaiwan News - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ AP Clergy sex abuse victims upset that no high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering guilty priests are asking the International Criminal Court to investigate the pope and top Vatican cardinals for possible crimes against ... Vatican Taken to ICC Over Child Abuses - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ The Catholic Church has been rocked by a series of sexual abuse cover-up scandals in both Europe and the United States in recent years. The ICC complaint includes the cases of two victims, who say the priests who sexually abused them simply moved to ... Group Wants To Investigate Pope For Crimes Against Humanity Jezebel - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ The Catholic Church has been dealing with sexual abuse allegations for years now, but the scandal has reached a new height: a nonprofit is asking the International Criminal Court in the Hague to investigate the Pope. According to the BBC, ... The Pope accused of crimes against humanity Public Radio International PRI - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Two American advocacy groups representing victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests have filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court, asking it to investigate Pope Benedict XVI and three other top Vatican officials for covering up the ... Pope Accused Of Crimes Against Humanity By Sex Abuse Victims Business Insider - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican secretary of state and two other senior Holy See officials have been accused of crimes against humanity by victims of sex abuse at the hands of Catholic priests, reports the Guardian. The accusers have lodged a formal ... Local victims' group supports charges against Vatican WAVE - Ashley Brauer - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ SNAP and the Center for Constitutional Rights filed more than 20000 pages of documents at The Hague Tuesday. The two advocacy groups want the ICC to charge the Pope and other leaders with crimes against humanity. The brief accuses the Vatican of ... ICC investigation of religious paedophilia urged formally allvoices - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ By Junior Campbell The US based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) announced today that it has joined forces with the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), a survivor-led support group for clergy sex abuse victims in a formal bid to ... ICC urged to investigate Pope RTHK - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ The International Criminal Court at the Hague is being asked to investigate Pope Benedict and three senior cardinals over their alleged failure to prevent child sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests and punish those responsible. ... Abuse victims seek ICC inquiry of Pope and 3 top Vatican officials - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Jeffrey Lena, who represents the Vatican in US sex abuse cases, says the request for the Hague tribunal to launch an investigation into possible crimes against humanity is a "misuse of international judicial processes." The Center for Constitutional ... Abuse victims try to take Pope to international court Australia Network News - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests in Australia could be included in any International Criminal Court action against the Vatican. The Survivors Network, which includes members from Germany, Ireland and the United States are attempting to sue ... Papers filed, alleging crimes against humanity by Pope Benedict Newstalk 106-108 fm - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ A group representing survivors of clerical sexual abuse has alleged Pope Benedict XVI and the officials “tolerated and enabled the systematic and widespread concealing of rape and child sex crimes. The New York-based rights group Centre for ... 'War crime' court asked to probe Vatican Belfast Telegraph - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ An international clerical abuse survivors group is calling on Irish bishops to release secret files as it pursues the Vatican in a landmark legal action. The group alleges the Pope and three senior cardinals in Rome "tolerated and enabled the ... Abuse victims seek int'l court case against pope Boston Globe - Mike Corder, Rachel Zoll - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ AP / September 13, 2011 THE HAGUE, Netherlands—Clergy sex abuse victims upset that no high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering guilty priests have turned to the International Criminal Court, ... Hague court urged to investigate Pope over sex abuse Stabroek News - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ By Stabroek staff | 0 Comments | World News | Wednesday, September 14, 2011 AMSTERDAM, (Reuters) - Victims of sexual abuse by the clergy want the International Criminal Court to investigate Pope Benedict and three Vatican officials, accusing them of ... Catholic Bashers Target The Pope – OpEd Eurasia Review - William Donohue - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Moreover, it is a lie to say that sexual abuse is being covered up at the highest levels of the Vatican. The homosexual scandal took place during the sexual revolution, and most of the offenses ended a quarter-century ago. ... Abuse victims seek int'l court case against pope Seattle Post Intelligencer - Mike Corder, Rachel Zoll - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Photo: ROB KEERIS / AP THE HAGUE, Netherlands (AP) — Clergy sex abuse victims upset that no high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering guilty priests have turned to the International Criminal Court, seeking an investigation ... Pope to be considered for investigation by International Criminal Court - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ ... of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) to demand that Pope Benedict XVI and three other specifically named Vatican officials be investigated and prosecuted on the charge of crimes against humanity for covering up child sex abuse cases around the world. ... Church sex-abuse victims urge ICC prosecution - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ An international group for victims of sexual abuse by Catholic priests has asked the International Criminal Court to prosecute Pope Benedict XVI and three other senior Vatican officials for crimes against humanity. The Chicago-based Survivors Network ... Abuse Victims Seek Int'l Court Case Against Pope NPR - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ (AP Photo/Rob Keeris) Associated Press Member of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) Peter Isely, attends a press conference in Voorburg, near The Hague, Netherlands, Tuesday, Sept. 13, 2011. Clergy sex abuse victims upset that no ... Pope Accused Of Sex Abuse "Crimes Against Humanity" Charges At The Hague The New Civil Rights Movement - David Badash - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Pope Benedict XVI has been accused of “crimes against humanity” by two groups representing sex abuse victims in a complaint filed at the International Criminal Court at The Hague. The Pope, along with other top ... Clergy sex abuse victims seek international tribunal investigation into pope Newser - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Clergy sex abuse victims upset... (Associated Press) Members of Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP), from left: Phil Saviano, Bert Smeets and Rita Milla attend a press conference in Voorburg, near The Hague, Netherlands, Tuesday, Sept. ... Group wants Pope prosecuted Calgary Herald - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ An international group for victims of sexual abuse by priests said Tuesday it was asking the International Criminal Court to prosecute Pope Benedict XVI for crimes against humanity. The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) said it had ... Pope to be sued by victims who underwent clerical sexual abuses Aysor - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ The international tribunals at The Hague is being asked to investigate top Vatican officials over the global clerical sex abuse scandal, and victims say these offenses meet the legal definition of crimes against humanity, the NPR reports. ... Abuse victims seek int'l court case against pope+eTaiwan News - Mike Corder, Rachel Zoll - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ AP Clergy sex abuse victims upset that no high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering guilty priests brought their claims Tuesday to the International Criminal Court, seeking an investigation ... Abuse victims accuse pope, Vatican officials of crimes against humanity CNN (blog) - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ The pope and other church leaders "tolerate and enable the systematic and widespread concealing of rape and child sex crimes throughout the world," said the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests and the Center for Constitutional Rights in a ... Clergy sex abuse victims seek international tribunal investigation into pope Newser - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ Clergy sex abuse victims upset that no high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering guilty priests brought their claims Tuesday to the International Criminal Court, seeking an investigation of the pope and top Vatican ... SNAP gathers to show support for charges filed against the Vatican -WHAS (subscription) - ‎Sep 14, 2011‎ On Tuesday, SNAP leaders and their attorneys from the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a brief charging the Vatican with tolerating and enabling child sex crimes. Local members say clergy abuse will continue unless the Vatican is held responsible ... Abuse victims seek int'l court case against pope Sioux City Journal - ‎Sep 13, 2011‎ (AP Photo/Pier Paolo Cito) Clergy sex abuse victims upset that no high-ranking Roman Catholic leaders have been prosecuted for sheltering guilty priests went to the International Criminal Court on Tuesday, seeking an investigation of the pope and top ... +---++++++

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What does this mean for our future and our economy?

 From Lenny Bloom:


Are the rats abandoning ship before it sinks?

Apple CEO Steve Jobs Stepping Down : NPR
Logitech CEO steps down after money losing Q1
Schmidtfaced. Google CEO stepping down
Verizon CEO Ivan Seidenberg Steps Down
Affymetrix CEO Stepping Down
Boston Scientific C.E.O. Steps Down
IBM CEO May Step Down in 2011
Clearwire CEO Stepping Down For 'Personal Reasons'
Campbell Soup CEO to step down July 2011
Japanese Game Leader DeNA's CEO Steps Down
Bronfman steps down as Warner Music CEO | Reuters
Dow Jones CEO steps down
MTV Networks CEO Steps Down
Public power CEO to step down in 2011
Current TV CEO steps down - On Media -
T-Mobile USA's CEO Robert Dotson To Step Down In May 2011 ...
Murdoch may step down as CEO of NewsCorp
LPS CEO Steps Down
Co-CEO of Havas Digital Stepping Down to Start Own Agency ...
CEO Turnover Continues In 2011; DISH Network CEO Steps Down ...
Kimball steps down as RealNetworks CEO | Digital Media - CNET ...
ActiveRain CEO steps down
Endemol Chair/CEO Ynon Kreiz Steps Down Amid Financial ...
Report: Sony CEO Stringer asked to step down by shareholder ...
Alibaba CEO and COO Step Down
Houghton Mifflin CEO stepping down
Charter International CEO steps down -
Cal eConnect CEO steps down | Healthcare IT News
HBGary Federal CEO Aaron Barr Steps Down | threatpost
Univision CEO Joe Uva steps down -
Foote to step down as USG CEO in 2011 | Home Channel News"

Thursday, August 4, 2011

In Remembrance of David Shafely

He was 52 years old.  He would offer to help all kinds of people.  He wanted to become a Social Security payee for disabled people.  He brought in a young man whose mind was non-existent from drug use.  He was on SSI.  Dave had to call the cops 3 times to get him out of his house.

Then recently he had another person move into his house to share the rent.  Whoever this individual was, Dave again called the cops to evict the man.  The cops wouldn't Baker Act* him.  Dave got so frustrated he hit a cop with his cane.  They arrested him and a friend bailed him out.  He retained an attorney.  Apparently he now owed $700,000 in legal fees.  He lived on Social Security Disability, so he didn't have much money.  His elderly mother had dementia.  He was trying to care for her like a nurse.  His father, too, was elderly.  These are things he told people before he died.

Dave suffered severe depression.  He had a nice neighbor, a woman he would talk to for long periods of time.   But even she couldn't help him.  I believe the photo of him here was a mug shot.  In his eyes you can see fear, paranoia and panic.  The walls were closing in.

One afternoon he went into K-Mart and was detained for shoplifting soda and rechargeable batteries.  They brought him back to a security office.  He explained his problems.  Then he pulled out a .22 caliber gun and shot in the direction of the doors where the guards were standing.  They ran.  They heard another blast.  He killed himself.  Actually, he was taken to a nearby hospital and died there.

He was always out to help someone.  But his health was never good.  He had a colonectomy at the age of 16, was gay and feared intimacy, was a recovering alcoholic and was often in a wheelchair for back injuries and pain.  Another thing I remember about him: he looked like Jesus Christ!

                                                 Flowers for Dave
                                    He helped everyone he could,
                                       Yet life was harsh for him.
                                                 Rest in Peace

*In Florida a Cop decides if you're drunk or disorderly.  If the former they arrest you; if disorderly, you might wind up in a psychiatric ward.  It's a law called "The Baker Act" and is often referred to humorously.

Watch This Word

Anytime you hear the word "Global," look out.  This is not a benign word or concept.  You hear the politicians discussing "global" plans.  Organizations bandy about the word.  "Global" means they're going to take away your liberty.  The US has a Constitution and there may be people in power who want to throw it out and conquer other countries.  "Globalization," in my opinion, will lead to nuclear war.   This is Communism, or Socialism at best.  A one world order.  This is what the Nazis were after.  Genocide and world control.  Bilderburg, Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations and several other entities want us all to be conquered, basically, "for our own good."  There'll be no religion; they'll dictate what job you should have, maybe how many babies you can have.  These are all "Global" parties.  The word "Global" is not good.  What they're promising is a world straight from John Lennon's song, "Imagine."  That song spells out communism to such an extent the Cubans erected a bronze statue of Lennon sitting on a bronze bench and I understand it is all right now for the Cubans to listen to Beatle music.

I am very cautious when I hear of "International Studies" in a college curriculum.  And who will become the reigning power  -- the US, England, the Reunification of Germany, Russia?  How about China?  There are more of them than there are of us in the United States.  When you hear of this "Global" effort, remember our Constitution.  We are not "Global" and we should never become "Global."  We are our own country, which we fought for.  We are not the colonies.  We are independent.  We need to stay that way.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Jackie Kennedy Speech

Here is Jackie Kennedy talking about whether the work President Kennedy did would be forgotten.  A side note: This is the first time I ever saw Jackie wearing a wig.  Also she has light lipstick on -- pale pink or white?  But white lipstick didn't surface until 1967.  This film was made in January 1966.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Lenny Bloom writes about the New World Order

There are forces that are trying to turn America and every other nation into a New World Order.  But we have a constitution.  We should want to keep America, the United States, as one nation  -- "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America; and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."  This we learned in Kindergarten.  We now know what it means.

Lenny Bloom sent me the following in an email.  I know it's long, but please read it, even a bit at a time.  I'd like your opinions.



Understanding the Bilderbergers and their way of thinking and what they are planning!

Also, some hard facts.....and very grim reading! Be warned! See Conclusion.

Here's a few extracts........
From Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase and beyond, the system is imploding: banks, financial markets, bond markets, housing markets. And now, we can add the United States to the list of bankrupt nations. US dollar has lost 12% of its value in one year. And China, for the first time, has become a net seller of US treasury bonds. What it means is that the bond bubble is about to explode and when it does, take a front row seat and enjoy the fireworks. This is once in a lifetime opportunity.

China´s warning was reiterated at the Bilderberg conference by a first time Chinese delegate, that USG´s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing.

The Bilderberg Group is not the end, but the means, to a future One World Company Limited.

The ultimate goal of this nightmare future is to transform Earth into a prison planet by bringing about a single globalised marketplace, controlled by One World Company, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by a dumbed down population whose life´s needs will be stripped down to materialism and survival " work, buy, sex, sleep" all connected to a global computer that monitors our every move.

And it is becoming easier because the development of telecommunications technology together with profound advances in present-day knowledge and new methods of behavior engineering to manipulate individual conduct are converting what, in other epochs of history, were only evil intentions, into a disturbing new reality.

Each new measure viewed on its own may seem an aberration, but a whole host of changes, as part of an ongoing continuum, constitutes a shift towards total enslavement.
By Daniel Estulin of; via Domas Jefferson

The background

In the world of international finance, there are those who steer the events and those who react to the events. While the latter are better known, greater in numbers, and seemingly more powerful, the true power rests with the former. At the centre of the global financial system are the financial oligarchy today represented by the Bilderberg group.

Bilderberg organization is dynamic, in that it changes with the times, absorbs and creates new parts while excreting the remains of the decaying parts. Members come and go, but the system itself has not changed. It is a self-perpetuating system, a virtual spider web of interlocked financial, political, economic and industry interests with the venetian ultramontane fondi model at the centre.

Now, Bilderberg isn´t a secret society. It is not an evil, all-seeing eye or a Jewish-Masonic conspiracy. There is no conspiracy even though a lot of people with their infantile fantasies see it as such. No group of people, and I dont care how powerful they are, sit around the table in dark room, holding hands, staring at a crystal ball, planning the world´s future.

Bilderberg is not a Cartesian fantasy world, in which the isolated intentions of some individuals, instead of the dynamics of social processes, shape the course of history as the movement of evolving ideas and themes over successive generations. It is clinically significant, that today´s more popular varieties of wild-eyed conspiracy theories, reflect the peculiarly pathological style in infantile fantasy associated with the Lord of the Rings, Star Wars and Harry Potter cults. The characteristic form of mental action these cults express, is the magical power of the will, acting outside real physical space-time dimension.

[And don't forget Scientology.]

It´s a meeting of people who represent a certain ideology. Bilderberg is a medium of bringing together financial institutions which are the world´s most powerful and most predatory financial interests. And at this time, it is that combination which is the worst enemy of humanity.

Not OWG or NWO as too many people mistakenly believe. Rather, the ideology is of a ONE WORLD COMPANY LIMITED. Back in 1968, at a Bilderberg meeting in Canada, George Ball, the then Under-secretary for Economic Affairs with JFK and Johnson said: Where does one find a legitimate base for the power of corporate management to make decisions that can profoundly affect the economic life of nations to whose governments they have only limited responsibility?

The idea behind each and every Bilderberg meeting is to create what they themselves call THE ARISTOCRACY OF PURPOSE between European and North American elites on the best way to manage the planet. In other words, the creation of a global network of giant cartels, more powerful than any nation on Earth, destined to control the necessities of life of the rest of humanity.

One of the key discussion points regarding Iraq centered on the future of the US mission in the country given that the eight-year occupation is coming to an end. Under the heading: What rights do we have in Iraq? Bilderberg delegates discussed whether the USG is entitled to some kind of squatters rights.

For now, this issue is off the charts, but in the foreseeable future the story will undoubtedly get lots of mainstream attention. What concerns everyone involved is the last page, the ending to the Iraqi occupation. If the US military leaves Iraq, something that most Bilderberg delegates do not see plausible, under what conditions and agreements will this be made possible?

As one American delegate reminded his colleagues, as of October 1, 2011, full responsibility for the US presence in Iraq would officially be transferred from the military to the Department of State. Translation: we might well be sold a false bill of good by the mainstream press. USG has no intentions of ever leaving Iraq, even if ownership changes hands.

What one US delegate stated can sum up US position on Iraq: when you think of Iraq, think big. Indeed, to understand US position in the country, one only needs to remember that the US mission in Baghdad is the worlds largest embassy, built for just under $1 billion and comparable in size to the Vatican and visible from space.

One European delegate asked point blank if after eight years of war, anyone can truly say that it was worth the effort. At a staggering cost of trillions of US dollars, over five thousand US lives and over a million innocent Iraqis killed few can admit to the spectacular failure of the mission. With the supposed upcoming transfer of power from the Department of Defense to the Department of State, one is left to wonder exactly what will the US mission be in Iraq beginning in 2012. As another European Bilderberg retorted: It's anyone's guess.

The US delegates pointed to the fact that there is a stable government in the country as a result of a democratically held elections. He was reminded that the initial reason for the invasion had to do with finding and eliminating weapons of mass destruction. The concern for their freedom was an afterthought, said one European. There was also talk of major financial investment in Iraq to jumpstart their weak economy. However, most attendees agreed that the investment was completely self-serving, centered on the US embassy and justifying its existence and costs.

Middle East

Let´s start with the conclusion: As cash for counter-revolution is dolled out by the billions, the future of the great 2011 Arab revolt looks grimmer and grimmer. Bilderberg fully backs draconian repression and perpetual war all across the Persian Gulf and is willingly using its staunch ally, Saudi Arabia to do it bidding. This war will include every nation in the Middle East except for Israel. Saudi Arabia is a strategic partner, not only because it is a repressive Monarchy and a dictatorship, thus unaccountable to an electorate, but also because of their oil as strategic energy reserve.

Instability across the entire Middle East allows Bilderberg an excuse to push oil prices to a $150-180 per barrel. This would put tremendous political pressure on Germany and the European Union on the one hand and on China and its economic and political aspirations on the other.

Keep in mind that no matter how you role the dice, Bilderberg wins.

Back in the summer 2008, oil shot up to $147 a barrel, something I predicted back in May 2005, after the Bilderberg conference in Rottach-Egern where it was decided to manipulate prices to that level by the summer 2008. At the time, JP Morgan was advising the Chinese government that China buy all the physical crude oil because it is going to $200 a barrel. What few people know, is that almost all of the price of oil is pure speculation, manipulated by the Goldman Sachs Commodity Index. Thus, Wall Street controls the oil price irrespective of supply and demand. Rest assured, that this is all part of a long range objective to control not only the oil price but the world financial markets.

If you take a closer look, Saudi Arabia has their fingers in every Middle Eastern pie. Take Egypt. The House of Saud has just given Supreme Military Council leader Field Marshall Tantawi US$4 billion in cash. In Yemen, the Saudis are buying Yemeni tribes with money, in the name of stability in the region. In Bahrain, they are overtly supporting the National Human Rights Organization whose president was appointed by King Hamad bin Isa al-Khalifa in 2010.

Then, last week, at the White House, US President Barack Obama received Bahrains Crown Prince Salman al-Khalifa. For strategic purposes, oil-rich Bahrain is a key US ally in the Gulf region, and hosts the headquarters of the US Fifth Fleet.

Finally, theres the Muslim Brotherhood to be understood in the context of the carefully orchestrated US/Saudi counter-revolution. From Syria to Egypt, Brotherhood is working very close with Egypts Military Council as a reqard for good behavior.


Of great concern to Bilderberg is China's entrance into African politics at the supra-national level as well as their protagonism in many of the African continents disparate corners. For years, China scoured the continent for natural resources virtually unchallenged. Now, the China State Construction Engineering Corporation (CSCEC) is building a gigantic African Unions headquarters complex in Addis Ababa. If Brussels is the capital of Europe, than Addis Ababa is the newly crowned capital of Africa.

Bilderberg has acknowledged that their corporations have been unable to compete with Chinese State owned companies because the price is right¦ free. What´s more, as Bilderberg readily admitted, China distinctly lacks the colonialist label that still taints European-African relations, which gives it unfare advantage in the area.

Another area of concern to Bilderberg is Chinese deft northern African diplomacy. Under the radar, China is outmaneuvering the United States and its western allies. For example, Libyas foreign minister Abdelati Obeidi visit to Beijing allows China a major opportunity to counter American influence in the international arena, and enhance its image as a friend of the Muslim world. Furthermore, China has not missed the opportunity to enhance relations with new governments in Egypt and Tunisia after their leaders fell during the recent uprisings.

China´s economic might

According to the latest IMF forecast, Chinas economy will be the world´s
China´s economic might

According to the latest IMF forecast, China's economy will be the world´s largest in real terms in 2016" just five years from now. In real terms, meaning using purchasing power parities (PPP). That compares what people earn and spend in real terms in their domestic economies. Against the backdrop of Middle east conflict, Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and destruction of the world economy greater doubts were raised over both the U.S. dollar and the giant Treasury market, which have been propped up for decades by their privileged status as the liabilities of the worlds hegemonic power.

According to Bilderberg, whoever is elected U.S. president next year will be the last to preside over the worlds largest economy.

Under PPP, the Chinese economy will expand from $11.2 trillion this year to $19 trillion in 2016. Meanwhile the size of the U.S. economy will rise from $15.2 trillion to $18.8 trillion. That would take Americas share of the world output down to 17.7%, the lowest in modern times. Chinas would reach 18%, and rising.

For comparison, just 10 years ago, the U.S. economy was three times the size of Chinas.

As Bilderberg recognizes, this is more than a financial perspective. It is the end of the Age of Americas economic hegemony. America overtook Great Britain as the worlds leading economic power in the 1890s and never looked back. There is a silver lining in this for the United States. To counterbalance Chinas economic encroachment, Asian nations are increasingly turning to the United States for support.

As one Bilderberger admitted, the rise of China, and the relative decline of America, the so-called paradigm shift, or revolutionary changes in geopolitics, is the biggest story of our time.


The discussion on Ireland was led off with sobering statistics which none of the attendees wanted to hear. Just like Greece, Ireland is an economic nightmare, close to becoming yet another European economic protectorate. Even though the official statistics of unemployment is up to 15%, Bilderberg internal numbers are much closer to 21%. Not to be outdone by the spectacularly bad news, the interest payments are half of all the income tax raised in the country and the debt is growing. What´s more, the total debt is 100% of Gross Domestic Product.

Ireland´s unpaid bank debt, around 125 billion, as well as Irish State fiscal debt, courtesy of EU-IMF partnership has weighed down the Irish economy and Irish taxpayers with a burden so great that it is beyond Irelands capacity to carry it.

What is inevitable, admitted Bilderberg attendees, is just like Greece, Ireland will need a second bailout from the EU-IMF. Others were even more blunt. The European Union is in a survival crisis, said one European Bilderberger. What seems to worry Bilderberg is the lack of fortitude and political will across the European Union. As one Bilderberg financial analyst stated, the markets are stuck between the rock and the hard place. The markets can cope with good news and they can cope with bad news, but what the financial markets cant stand, is indecision. And thats all we have across the board. Nobody has any ideas how to get out of this.

But, as another Bilderberg bluntly reminded the attendees, it is not one but three crisis we have to deal with: a debt crisis, a political-economy crisis, and a political crisis. And as Bilderberg knows, it is impossible to deal with all three at the same time.

Bilderberg has admitted that the Irish banks are in over their head, having tremendous difficulties raising funds, while at the same time, the banks are bleeding money, as people have lost faith in the system. With the Northern Rock experience in Britain still fresh in everyones mind, the Irish are not taking any chances. For now, the mainstream press has kept this information under wraps, but as Bilderberg admitted, it is just a matter of time before it explodes in our faces.

One Irish Bilderberger admitted that the Irish banks could very well run out of money before the Irish government does.

However, what worries Bilderberg is the reaction of the Irish citizens. As one Bilderberg asked, will Ireland want to borrow money to pay back the bondholders and European banks who gambled on the Irish boom?
To solve the mounting crisis, European government is proposing a massive power grab as part of a long-range plan to save the Union. If the plan is approved, the EU government will set the rules in the future and police itself and any nation, which breaches the rules or disagrees with the draconian measures implemented by the EU, will have their voting rights withdrawn. As one European Bilderberg openly admitted, What we are heading towards a form of real economic government.


Greece is dead. The message coming out of the Bilderberg meeting is unmistakable. Greeces troubles have not only exposed the structural flaws of the European Monetary Union, but have also exposed the structural problems in the global economy. Government officials around the world have responded to the debt problem by adding more debt. Unfortunately, piling debt on debt cannot solve the problem. This is what a Ponzi scheme, Las Vegas-like secret casino looks like. To keep the pyramid-like structure from acute economic collapse, more and more money is doled out by those wishing to keep the speculation going.

The crisis response has only exacerbated a dynamic that created the crisis to begin with: Easy credit means debt. Historically, financial crises typically lead to sovereign debt crisis. And sovereign debt crisis typically led to currency crisis and extremely difficult economic times ahead.

The sovereign debt crisis is still unfolding. Last year, Europe, trying desperation to solve the crisis of weak countries within the Euro zone, devalued the Euro and inflated away the debt in order to stop the downward spiraling. The problem is three fold.

First of all, member states cannot devalue its currency to make its exports more competitive. Second of all, it cannot undertake an expansive monetary policy. Finally, it cannot mount an appropriately expansive fiscal policy because of the restrictions of the EUs growth and stability pact. Thus, as European member states do not control their monetary policies, debt devaluation becomes the only option. EU is literally backed into a corner.

As Bilderberg admits behind closed doors, Greece can never pay back what it owes the markets. Never. And they are not the only ones. Former Dutch Finance Minister Willem Vermeend wrote in De Telegraaf that Greece should leave the euro, given that it will never be able to pay back its debt. And that´s something that Bilderberg elite know and understand very well. Real unemployment figures are around 19%.

According to IMF Bilderberg attendee, 2012 projected unemployment figures for Greece will top 25%. Bilderberg can only pray this information never makes it onto the front pages of leading mainstream periodicals. At the 2011 meeting, Bilderberg was looking at ways to restructure Greeces debt, not for the benefit of Greece, but rather for the benefit of the financial elite who stand to lose their shirt if Greece fails. On the other hand, a default would destabilise markets and lead eventually to rating downgrades of other weak euro zone states such as Spain, Italy, Ireland and Portugal. ECB officials have repeatedly cited the risk of market turmoil in explaining their opposition to a Greek debt restructuring.

One face-saving option being considered is a debt exchange. Holders of Greek bonds would exchange them for longer-dated bonds, giving Greece a few more years to pay back the 340 billion euro debt. However, for this option to work, private investors must be convinced to share the burden of rescuing Greece. If the option of private investors doesn´t work out, France was being considered as the backer of the debt exchange, according to sources at the Bilderberg conference.

At the same time, the European Union and IMF are preparing to announce a second bailout of Greece, thus acknowledging that the first 110 billion euro rescue which was launched in May 2010 has been a spectacular failure as Athens misses its fiscal reform targets by a mile.

But there is another problem with a voluntary debt exchange. How do you persuade investors who were burnt the first time to take part in it, again? In the end, if Bilderberg has their way, taxpayers will be burdened with a large part of the bailout of bad speculations and government debts. A second bailout will include unprecedented and draconian external supervision of Greeces economy, both public and private spending. This worries Bilderberg, especially in light of 2010 massive national protests across the country.

The scenario of Greeces exit from the Euro is now officially on the table, as are ways to do this. As in Iceland, the Greek austerity measures are to be put to a national referendum â€" with polls reporting that some 85 percent of Greeks reject the bank-bailout-austerity plan. Greeces labor movement always has [missing portion]

In Greece, more than 85% of Greek citizens are against the proposed reforms.


China is Pakistans new best friend. This is a major geopolitical shift. It comes on the heels of Obama administration approval of aggressive tactics against Pakistan, amongst them, first use of nuclear weapons by NATO to prevent their potential use by terrorists or a rogue state. According to the London Sunday Express: US troops will be deployed in Pakistan if the nations nuclear installations come under threat from terrorists out to avenge the killing of Osama Bin Laden¦ Barack Obama would order troops to parachute in to protect key nuclear missile sites. These include the air forces central Sargodha HQ, home base for nuclear-capable F-16 combat aircraft and at least 80 ballistic missiles. Enter China.

China´s warning was reiterated at the Bilderberg conference by a first time Chinese delegate, that USG´s planned attack on Pakistan will be interpreted as an act of aggression against Beijing. The stakes are perhaps as high as they have ever been for the post-Cold War United States as Bilderberg dealt with quagmire in Pakistan.

As one European delegate stated, US is the world´s most powerful nation, but it is not more powerful than the world. Everyone agreed on the grave danger of general war growing out of the US-Pakistan confrontation.

From geopolitical point of view, the USG is concerned with China´s increased protagonism in the region. China has built a port for Pakistan at Gwadar, which is close to the entrance of the Strait of Hormuz. US delegates expressed concern that the port might become a Chinese naval base on the Arabian Sea. This obviously affects India, US´s new best friend in the region. We have a perfect storm in the making. A nuclear US supporting a 1.2 billion strong nuclear Indian against India´s archenemy, nuclear Pakistan and their new best friend, a 1.4 billion strong nuclear China.

Bilderberg´s attempt to create conditions for a Sino-Indian confrontation have Russia as one of the key players. With both Russia and China working diligently to bring peace to Libya, the purpose, as Bilderberg recognises is to reduce the influence of western powers, and ensure oil supplies for China from Libya.

It still remains to be seen just how a consensus amongst Bilderberg attendees will be reached on the issue, but the US scenario is easily discernible. To effectively counter a Sino-Pakistani duopoly, Washington will seek a way to maneuver itself out of the confrontation by using India to do its bidding. By the time India and China realize that they have been played and used into mutual destruction by the United States, it will be too late for either to back down without losing face.

Once again, the key to understanding India-China confrontation is Russia and its role in the future One World Government-One World Company Limited. Until Russia is subjugated, Bilderberg and their bidders cant realistically hope for full control. By eliminating both Asian superpowers, Russia will be left alone, surrounded by US missile bases and isolated from Europe by NATO, which now includes former Soviet republics, mostly antagonistic towards Russia.

What´s more, as Bilderbergers agreed, a cultural degradation has left a large percentage of Russian youth admiring the US for its alleged freedom†as a stark counterpoint to the excesses of Russian â€oeauthoritarian†state, which they have been sold by the mainstream western press to be a mere continuation of the old Soviet system.

With Russia eliminated, the US will focus its military on South America. Chavez will be overthrown, followed by his allies such as Ecuador and Bolivia.

However, Pakistan is one part of the multi pronged Asian strategies set in motion by the US Government and Bilderberg. In 2002, one of the key issues discussed at the Chantilly Bilderberg conference that year centred on Bilderberg led plan for a 10-year war to eliminate terrorism, involving both military and diplomatic initiatives. It eventually became known as Operation Noble Eagle.

In fact, Bilderberg understands that what we are in fact dealing with is an evolving process leading to an endless escalation of war across the global stage. Asia is one of the areas of operations. Middle East and Magreb is another.

If we were living in the real world, the headline, which best describes the current financial situation would read: The end is near. We are in the middle of an economic financial meltdown. For Bilderberg high-financial managers the problem is how to postpone defaults for as long as possible" and then to bail out, leaving governments (taxpayers ) holding the bag, taking over the obligations of insolvent debtors. With overwhelming cross section of the worlds population against it, the trick is to override democratic politics.

As Bilderberg agrees, for this to happen, economic policy must be transferred from elected government bodies to those of financial planners,making the economy entirely dependent on them, with public borrowing creating an enormous risk-free market for interest-bearing loans. This explains what George Ball, the then Under-secretary for Economic Affairs with JFK and Johnson said back in 1968, at a Bilderberg meeting in Canada: Where does one find a legitimate base for the power of corporate management to make decisions that can profoundly affect the economic life of nations to whose governments they have only limited responsibility?

This is how financial oligarchy replaces democracy. The role of the European Central Bank, IMF, the World Bank, Bank of International Settlement, the Federal Reserve and other financial oversight agencies has been to make sure that bankers got paid.

The problem with today´s system is that the world is run by monetary systems, not by national credit systems. If you are smart, you don´t want a monetary system to run the world. You want sovereign nation-states to have their own credit systems, which is the system of their currency. Above all, the possibility of productive, non-inflationary credit creation by the state, which is firmly stated in the US Constitution, was excluded by Maastrich as a method of determining of economic and financial policy.

Now, in Europe, that can´t be done because in Europe, the governments are subject to control by private banking interests, called independent banking systems, which is blocked constitutionally from creating credit for governments. These institutions have the power to regulate government, and to dictate terms to government. Think about this institution within this European edifice called ECB. It tries to function like a European independent central bank, which has no government.

There is no government. There is no nation. It´s a group of nations run by a private bank.

The supposed independence of the Central Bank is the decisive control mechanism for private financial interests, which historically in Europe has been installed as an authoritative instrument against an economic policy of sovereign governments oriented towards the General Welfare. European banking is a remnant of a feudal society, in which private interests" as typified by ancient venetian cartels or by the Lombard league which went down in the Dark Age in the 14th century.

What we have today is not a liquidity crisis, but an insolvency crisis. The United States is now $14.3 trillion in debt.

Plus, the government running up a trillion-dollar deficit for the third straight year, something no country in the history of the world has ever done.

There is a confirmed double-dip in housing market with prices plummeting more than during the Great Depression and a fresh roll over in bank stocks, with companies like Bank of America and Citigroup giving up every penny of gains theyve made in the last two years, but it is not only Bank of America and Citi, it is every financial institution in America.

From Wells Fargo and JP Morgan Chase and beyond, the system is imploding: banks, financial markets, bond markets, housing markets. And now, we can add the United States to the list of bankrupt nations. US dollar has lost 12% of its value in one year. And China, for the first time, has become a net seller of US treasury bonds. What it means is that the bond bubble is about to explode and when it does, take a front row seat and enjoy the fireworks. This is once in a lifetime opportunity.

The Bilderberg Group is not the end, but the means, to a future One World Company Limited. This organization has grown beyond its secretive beginnings to become a key nod in the decision making of the elite. The ultimate goal of this nightmare future is to transform Earth into a prison planet by bringing about a single globalised marketplace, controlled by One World Company, financially regulated by a World Bank, and populated by a dumbed down population whose life´s needs will be stripped down to materialism and survival" work, buy, sex, sleep" all connected to a global computer that monitors our every move.

And it is becoming easier because the development of telecommunications technology together with profound advances in present-day knowledge and new methods of behavior engineering to manipulate individual conduct are converting what, in other epochs of history, were only evil intentions, into a disturbing new reality.

Each new measure viewed on its own may seem an aberration, but a whole host of changes, as part of an ongoing continuum, constitutes a shift towards total enslavement.

And as we watch the world go to hell in a hand basket, we find ourselves at the crossroads. The road we take from here will determine the very future of humanity and whether we will become an electronic global police state or remain free human beings.

Remember, it is not up to God to bring us back from the new Dark Age, it is up to us.

Forewarned is forearmed.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Stills from Barbara Olson tape

OK. Here are stills from the Dulles Airport tape. The plane Barbara Olson went on supposedly crashed into the Pentagon. There are photos of the 5 hijackers. What I need to know is were these the real hijackers? If someone could identify them, it would be very helpful to the cause of 9-11. "Vanity Fair," on the Let's Roll Forum, got these tapes somehow. I don't know the full story yet. I'm waiting for the repercussions of this tape. Or are people going to ignore it? She didn't crash into the Pentagon, that was a missile. Where did she go?

Barbara Olson GIF at Dulles Airport 9-11

Is this Barbara Olson?  It certainly looks like her, the way she looked 10 years ago.

Barbara Olson

Something very shocking.  A security camera caught Barbara Olson at Dulles Airport on the morning of 9-11.  You can see Arab men at the security checkpoint arriving usually separately.  The video shows a woman who looks amazingly like Barbara Olson, actually walking between 2 of the hijackers to get to her destination.  If this video is true, then Barbara Olson got on the plane and died.  Or maybe persuaded to undergo plastic surgery and lead a new life.  You can see her at about 2.22 of the video.  She has her hair up in a big clip and is wearing black and walking fast. She is also talking on a cell phone:

Congressmen Take Obama to Federal Court

This is an embed code result from CNN regarding yesterday's news  -- a group of Congressmen taking President Obama to court.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Donald Trump - Please help this country now. Run for President.

What Obama did yesterday for the Palestinians is really going to rock the boat.  I almost want to beg Donald Trump to reconsider a run for presidency.  This is what's been happening all week:

"The tipping point for Donald Trump came when Steve Burke, CEO of NBC Universal, visited him in his office in New York and offered him $120 million to continue as the star of “The Celebrity Apprentice.”

The NBC offer was for two seasons at $60 million each.

Until then, Trump had been planning to announce his presidential run a few days after this season’s finale, which airs this coming Sunday, May 22.

“Apprentice” has been one of NBC's biggest hits this season, coming in number one for its Sunday prime time slot and second for all NBC shows, falling just behind “The Office.”

Until days before Burke’s offer, Trump had been meeting with conservative leaders to obtain their advice on such matters as pro-life issues. He had just completed a high-profile visit to Nashua, New Hampshire, speaking to a sold-out event and drawing national media attention.

But Trump announced on Monday that he was officially bowing out, citing his passion for managing his business empire and starring on “Apprentice”

Since then Trump’s office has received thousands of letters and emails urging him to reconsider.

The billionaire real estate mogul is said to have had many high-profile business leaders and others encouraging him to reconsider, drop his NBC plans and make the bid.

One group that might love such a surprise is the news media. The 2012 race has turned positively boring since Trump's announcement.

Liberal comic Jon Stewart of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” says the race for the president will be nowhere near as entertaining without “The Donald” in it. “I’ve waited my whole life for a presidential candidate like you,” he joked on his show. “Run, America needs you.”

Stewart appeared on Bill O'Reilly's Fox show this week and said he hasn't given up on the Donald, telling O’Reilly that he “prays” Trump still runs.

At one point during his flirtation with running, Trump was topping the list of potential Republican candidates. In an April Gallup poll, he was tied for first place with Mike Huckabee, with 16 percent of Republican and Republican-leaning voters favoring him for president. Mitt Romney came in at 13 percent. Sarah Palin came in fourth with support from 10 percent.

And a non-scientific online poll sponsored by saw more than one million votes cast, with Trump taking 57 percent of the votes cast for potential GOP candidates. His closest competitor was Romney, with 9 percent of the vote.

Now that he's out of the race, could Trump make a comeback?

“Trump’s high name ID would allow him to return to the fray just as Ross Perot did in 1992,” Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform, tells Newsmax. “Trump would be well served to find a signature economic issue—lower income taxes, deregulation, a balanced budget issue—to deflect the establishment press’ focus on his personal fame.”

Norquist is one of the country’s top conservative leaders. He holds a weekly off-the-record meeting of 150 conservative leaders to share intelligence and plot strategy.

Despite his decision not to run, Trump is still in high demand to speak at Republican events. He has struck a chord with Republicans and independents who relish his straight-talking approach to the economy and foreign affairs. He is said to be personally satisfied that he has made his points and has moved the conversation when it comes to Obama and his policies.

Candidate or not, Trump is likely to remain a force in Republican politics.

Ronald Kessler is chief Washington correspondent of View his previous reports and get his dispatches sent to you free via e-mail. Go here now. 

© Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Obama Moves Against Israel

In my opinion, I think the Jews in the Middle East are as violent as their enemies in Arab countries.  I believe that Israel hated President Kennedy because he wouldn't allow them nuclear weapons.  And we still don't allow it.  We'd all be dead.  I feel Obama is in for it.  He's part Arab and he is trying to help the Palestinians.  How will Israel fix it?  Probably another 9/11 perpetrated by Israel.  There's going to be fallout from Obama's decision.

I have the story below and all the way to the bottom is a 9/11 forum I was asked to publish on my site here.  Read those links.  Watch the videos.  It's incredible.  (Thank you, Starpulse and Newsmax.)

Allen West: Obama's Recognition of 

Pre-1967 Borders 'Beginning of the 

End' for Jewish State

Thursday, 19 May 2011 03:19 PM
By Newsmax Wires
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Conservatives led by Florida Republican Allen West Thursday were quick
to blast President Barack Obama's game-changing recognition of a
Palestinian state existing along Israel's pre-1967 borders — a decision that
many described as an existential threat for the Jewish state.

"Today’s endorsement by President Barack Obama of the creation of a
Hamas-led Palestinian state based on the pre-1967 borders, signals the
most egregious foreign policy decision his administration has made to
date, and could be the beginning of the end as we know it for the Jewish
state," said West, R-Fla., one of the leading Tea Party thinkers in the
House Republican freshman class," West said in a prepared statement.

"From the moment the modern day state of Israel declared statehood
in 1948, to the end of the 1967 Six Day War, Jews were forbidden
access to their holiest site, the Western Wall in Jerusalem’s Old City,
controlled by Jordan’s Arab army.

"The pre-1967 borders endorsed by President Obama would deny
millions of the world’s Jews access to their holiest site and force
Israel to return the strategically important Golan Heights to Syria,
a known state-sponsor of terrorism," said West, a career military
veteran of the war in Iraq.

"Resorting to the pre-1967 borders would mean a full withdrawal
by the Israelis from the West Bank and the Jewish neighborhoods
of East Jerusalem. Make no mistake, there has always been a
Nation of Israel and Jerusalem has been and must always be
recognized as its rightful capital.

"In short, the Hamas-run Palestinian state envisioned by President
Obama would be devastating to Israel and the world’s 13.3 million
Jews. It would be a Pavlovian style reward to a declared Islamic
terrorist organization, and an unacceptable policy initiative.

"America should never negotiate with the Palestinian Authority-
which has aligned itself with Hamas. Palestine is a region, not a
people or a modern state. Based upon Roman Emperor
Hadrian's declaration in 73 AD, the original Palestinian people
are the Jewish people.

"It's time for the American people to stand by our strongest ally,
the Jewish State of Israel, and reject this foreign policy blunder
of epic proportions.

"While the winds of democracy may blow strong in the Middle
East, history has demonstrated that gaps in leadership can lead
to despotic regimes. I have questions for President Obama:
'Who will now lead in Egypt?' and 'Why should American
taxpayers provide foreign aid to a nation where the next
chapter in their history may be the emergence of another
radical Islamic state?'

"President Obama has not stood for Israel or the Jewish
people and has made it clear where the United States
will stand when Palestine attempts to gain recognition of
statehood by the United Nations. The President should
focus on the real obstacle to security- the Palestinian
leadership and its ultimate goal to eliminate Israel and
the Jewish people.”

Read more on Allen West: Obama's Middle East Policy 
'Beginning of the End' for Israel Important: Do You Support Pres.
Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!  (Thank you, Starpulse and Newsmax.)
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