William Rodriguez - Last Man Out: Discovered a Fraud!
by; Phil Jayhan & Larry McWilliams
ATTENTION: With an advertising budget of zero dollars we ask everyone who has websites and blogs to copy and paste this important new revelation into 911 in as many places and blogs as possible. Please copy and paste this story in its entirety in as many places as possible! Please spread the truth about William Rodriguez as fast as possible! We are 9 years behind the 8 ball in discovering these things! Thank you!
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive” - Sir Walter Scott
Could it be that many of the 9/11 “heroes” have been groomed to play that role a long time before the event occurred? People often ask me “Why would they need to do that?” and a possible explanation could be:
Allowing random heroes to rise will open doors. Doors to the unknown. It will elevate people to fame who might use that fame to express doubts in the official 9/11 story down the line.
Same with the fake pictures: Allowing family members to identify real pictures of their loved ones would allow them media attention a random person could possibly use to threaten a smooth sailing with the official story.
We have more then a few things we have discovered about Mr. William Rodriguez, alleged last man out of the world trade center on 9/11 which are extremely suspicious, but none as suspicious as when one draws a simple gracious time-line of William Rodriguez's very own tale of the events and compares it to probability verses possibility verses impossibility. . Unfortunately, no matter how one does the equation of William Rodriguez's tale of events of September the 11th, 2001, last man out, there is no available possibility that his story is true. There is literally no other possibility then that his tale of events is a staggering national hoax and at the crux of an international conspiracy.
His file is growing every day we look into this national hero of 9/11. When one lies and is caught in their lie, there is humiliation. But when one tells a lie thousands and thousands of times, and makes a fat living off of it for 10 years straight, who can describe the humiliation? William Rodriguez has told his lie, on National TV, International TV and beyond. He is by far one of the more prolific liars of the 21st century.
So don't expect William Rodriguez to ever admit to the truth. Even when nobody is listening to him any longer and he is living in a box again. And no, I seriously doubt Willie Rodriguez was ever homeless. That was all part of his "legend." The national hero ignored. National hero homeless. Then finally recognition and redemption., then finally international hero status. Legends take an awful lot of effort to create. Yet fraudulent legends sometimes fall in a matter of minutes, sometimes seconds. It doesn't take much. Just a little bit of truth shining in a dark place.
Below are the tools anyone can use to see whether William Rodriguez is a international hero, or whether Willie Rodriguez is an international liar. The main tool will be creating a time-line of William Rodriguez's exploits, and simply seeing if there was enough time for any of this to occur, much less all of it. So, without any more small talk, lets start creating that time-line and see how believable William Rodriguez is, last man out of the world trade center, according to unconfirmed legends.
Rosie O'Donnell interviews 9/11 Hero William Rodriguez (Part 1 of 5)
We will start with Willies "boom." From part 1, listed above. After dissecting part 1, we will move along to part 2-3, where his lies really pick up some steam and start rolling. Move to the end of part 1. Also, FYI, the time-line below is two-fold. The
red time stamps are the estimated times it would have taken Willie Rodriguez to do such and such feat or miracle, with the clock ticking down. It is not the actual time frames spoken by Willie, but rather the estimated times taken for each thing described by Mr. Willie Rodriguez.
8:30 Willie punches in - alleges 14 people in office with him; Did he count them all? The story gets off to a bad start with that. But lets continue.
8:46 At "about" 8:46 I heard an explosion, a very loud "BOOOOOM" which pushed us upwards.
(editors note: This timeline is important; It should be noted because of everything you are about to hear that you know it was 8:46 and some change; I think the explosion happened at the end of the minute, with only a few seconds remaining till 8:47)
---8:46 A: The sheet-rock opened up, the fax machine fell on the floor, ceiling fell down and the sprinklers started going off.
7-8 seconds pass; Then he claims they heard another explosion, all the way from the top of the building; For the purposes of this time-line, it will be graciously assumed now that it is roughly 8:47. Counting seconds here, and in a little while you will see why. Be patient. Not sure why someone didn't do this before now, but we were all under the spell of the 911 lie and the 911 legend.
8:47 A guy comes running into the office screaming explosion, explosion, explosion; (Felipe David) It says that Felipe was down one level and had to make it up to the offices; This moves the time-line and clock forward at bare minimum, being gracious, to 8:48.
** It should be pointed out here that Willies story about Felipe David having 32% of his skin blown off his body from the explosion and then getting severely burned in the process, and THEN walking or taking the elevator up to the offices is a lie. He would have been unconcious and in shock. This is where Willies story simply starts falls apart. Look now for embellishments which make the super hero look even more heroic.
At first I thought he had a red shirt, but then realized it was soaked in blood. Wait a second Willie, you just got done saying all of the skin from his arms and torso were hanging from his body. So the explosion ripped off his skin, but left his shirt on, and in place, and presumably still tucked in. So much so, that you thought he was wearing a red shirt. Huge screw up here. Shows he is lying.
Now more embellishments; Now nobody wanted to touch this man, because it was 2001, and you know, the AIDS thing.Quote:
"Nobody wanted to touch him because this was 2001 and nobody wanted to touch someone with blood because of the aids virus;" |
Thus Willie was the only decent chap out of all 14 people who was willing to help this man. Apparently, even after Willie broke the ice. This is a lie. And works to pump up Willies super hero status. 8 minute mark, part 1
8:48 - 8:51 They tend to Felipe David. Nobody helps but Willie. Everyone is standing in the corner, not even helping Willie because they are all afraid of the aids virus, even after Willie starts helping. Only Willie does the right thing, even when 14 others are present! By Willies own admission, by the time he hears the next explosion, it was "minutes after Felipe David" came into the office.
Being conservative here and again very gracious with time, I now move the clock of the time-line ahead to 8:51, even though with everything that's happened, it is probably closer to 8:55 - 9:05. This will become crucial in a few minutes after more of Willies questionable story. At the 8:50 mark in part 1 of the video now;
8:51 AM - Now Willie claims that he "lead all 14 people, and Felipe David" down to the loading dock where there was an ambulance waiting. The WTC was 209 x 209. They claimed to be in B1, and then went to the loading docks. (B2)
Embellishment notice: Notice how the contrived and scripted superheros do all sorts of heroic things while everyone else simply follows and won't even help? This also helps you realize this is all a giant lie because not one of those 14 people would have refused to help Felipe David because he had blood on him and because of AIDS. That's not normal human behavior, especially in a crisis when a man is dying in front of their eyes. They all stayed in a corner while Willie helped wrap the man in towels? Anyone else's BS detector going off yet? 9:30: - 9:55 mark in video - part 1
Estimated time of trip to loading dock: 9-10 minutes, especially since he was with 14 other non hero's who needed consolation, extra guidance, counseling and special help. These 14 nameless people were of course completely dependent on Willie, and none of the 14 ever once offers any assistance to Willie. Willie Rodriguez also had to carry Felipe David down to the ambulance. Willie did it all, none of the 14 would help. And smoke and darkness filled the air. And I will graciously give him a 3 minute credit, as perhaps Willie Rodriguez are able to to things faster then born and bred Americans, who need scripted super hero's to save them.
This now moves the clock of the time-line to roughly 8:56. 8:57 for time in helping place Felipe David into the ambulance, assuming they too were afraid of the AIDS virus and not wanting to help, it was after all 2001 and the AIDS virus thing was raging fear for all Americans. Even, and probably for American ambulance technicians. The clock of the time-line of Willies story is now, very graciously & conservatively, at 8:57 AM.