Saturday, May 7, 2011

Obama's Birth Certificate

A lot of people in this country don't care if their President was born in this country. Yet that is part of our Constitution. I've seen a Kenya birth certificate for Obama and an American one. I really don't know which one is true. Why did it bother Obama so much to reveal his certificate of birth? I would show my long-form birth certificate with the raised seal immediately. If we allow politicians to come from anywhere, there goes America. There it goes, down the f------ drain. Look at the state we're in now. How did our economy fall to such a sorry state? All the other troubles we have. It's because of the No.1 event of the 20th Century: John Kennedy's assassination. Kennedy wanted to close the Federal Reserve and use Silver Certificates as dollars. We had plenty of silver. We didn't have the gold. So we began to use credit cards. And that's an endless circle of debt. That's why Donald Trump will restore the wealth of this country. I don't know how he plans to make us rich, but he certainly does and will. And our country will be first; the top-dog.

Were Trump to close the Federal Reserve, we would use what we have, instead of what we don't and increasingly owe. All the banks would close and the Rothchilds would be without. How much money do you need? They are one of the families that rule our country. Some of the others are: the Duponts, the Murchisons, the Morgans, Rockerfeller, the Bushes, in other words, the oil barons.

Beware of the word Global. It's a whole planet with one set of laws, a totalitarian New World Order. People, do not let this happen! This is what Nazi Germany was about. They wanted to run the world. Beware of "Global." It is a bad idea, and Donald Trump is posing another idea. Basically, we'd become Isolationists. This country first. Any money going to a foreign country in a time in need, that country would have to pay us back.

Remember what they did to President John F. Kennedy. Remember it. He was going to do away with the CIA. He didn't want secrecy in government. He didn't want "Global." Just the opposite. H.L. Hunt, at the time the richest man in the world, may have funded the assassination or maybe all the families mentioned (and not mentioned) funded it together.

Another commercial plan may have included the Vatican. Yes, the Vatican. A very wealthy state at that time and very powerful. The Catholic Diem Brothers, who were running South Viet Nam, were assassinated. The world now had another Communist country. The Vatican wanted the Catholic country back and they wanted our soldiers, American boys for the most part, to fight and lose their lives in Viet Nam. For what? God? Jesus? We got absolutely nothing in return. Many of the soldiers came back as drug addicts. It seems there was major drug dealing in Southeast Asia, and higher-up American officials joined. One acquaintance gave Congressman Sonny Bono proof that his higher ups were involved in this drug trafficing. Bono vowed to bring it up immediately and name names when vacation time was over. He went skiing and died, supposedly from skiing into a tree. No one saw this happen, but the autopsy didn't agree with what Bono died from. Someone bludgeoned Sonny's head in. No one seriously looked into this murder but Ted Gunderson a private eye. There is material on the Internet pertaining to Congressman Sonny Bono. He showed a lot of tenacity all his life. A dog with a bone, he was never going to refrain from naming names.

So please, don't go "global." We need this country -- "from sea to shining sea." Don't give up on it.

The basic thing is Obama didn't need to show his birth certificate. He became President. This opens the way, a precedent, to Governor Arnold Schwartzanegger to run for a Republican presidency. He, too, was born on another Continent: Germany, Europe. His father was an SS officer. The Euro dollar is not good. It's a major step toward Globalism. Don't go there.

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